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Blue Book Traineeship programme
  • Trainee

Magdalena's testimonial

Transformative and grateful

red hair lady
Country of origin
  • Poland

"My time at the JRC has been eye-opening, to say the least.

It has deepened my understanding of the complexities inherent in political institutions and has underscored the importance of recognition to these complexities rather than shying away from them.

Thanks to my team and experiences I am committed to embracing the lessons of organizational culture and leveraging its potential to drive meaningful change.

The need for impactful transformation extends beyond the territory of science and policy-making to include broader issues of political participation, particularly among the youth. It is not just about following the policies and procedures, but also about understanding the nuances of human interactions and the ever-shifting landscape of political influence.

I am motivated to explore this interconnected web of challenges and opportunities in my journey ahead."