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Programme de stages Livre bleu

Témoignages de stagiaires

Des réflexions et des avis d’ancien(ne)s stagiaires sur leur expérience de stage.

smiling young man on the European flag background
  • Stagiaire
Working in the Commission was a dream come true and the experience truly met my expectations. The opportunity to [...]
optimistic looking young lady
  • Stagiaire
The internship was an incredibly valuable learning experience that significantly deepened my [...]
smiling young lady with long dark hair
  • Stagiaire
This was my first real professional experience and I could not have hoped for better. In Luxembourg [...]
trainee on a dark shadowed background
  • Stagiaire
At the end of my Traineeship I can finally confirm that this was a truly unique experience. I gained professional expertise, international experience, [...]
trainee with blond colored hair
  • Stagiaire
Despite the pandemic, I am very grateful to say that my experience as a Blue Book trainee was truly rewarding one. [...]
trainee with long dark hair
  • Stagiaire
Having started in the Secretariat General in March 2022, right at the start of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, I can say my [...]
smiling girl with long dark hair
  • Stagiaire
My traineeship at the Frontex Situation Centre offered more than just technical skills and knowledge. It allowed me to cultivate a range of [...]
A young man on a background of world maps
  • Stagiaire
In the ERCC analytical team, I was surrounded with very supportive colleagues, allowing me to learn fast and to have several [...]
blond hair man with flags in the background
  • Stagiaire
This is a perfect programme for various individuals to expand their horizons and gain excellent experience at [...]
trainee with long curly hair
  • Stagiaire
I travelled from Réunion Island to live the incredible experience of the Bluebook traineeship. [...]
young girl portrait photo on a floral background
  • Stagiaire
My traineeship at DG ENER was extremely interesting and eyes opening on the way new EU energy policies are negotiated, [...]
smiling lady with short dark hair
  • Stagiaire
This traineeship provided me with direct knowledge of the inner workings of EU institutions. This is an incredible experience for a non-EU citizen. [...]
smiling girl with glasses
  • Stagiaire
In October 2023, I started working as a trainee at the Representation of the European Commission [...]
trainee with Berlaymont building in the background
  • Stagiaire
The Blue Book Traineeship is not just about the work. The tasks and daily work are interesting, but the BBT is also [...]